Did you know that Phoenix is the fifth-largest American city, home to 1.7 million people? In Phoenix, small businesses are big business with more than 95 percent of Phoenix companies having fewer than 100 employees. We were so honored to have the City of Phoenix Community & Economic Development Department as a sponsor for the 2023 Fall Summit. The CED team works with businesses of all sizes looking to successfully locate and expand in Phoenix. Learn more about that here.
Here’s a little bit more about CED, why they’re passionate about Phoenix, and what ecosystem building means to them.
Why Phoenix?
“Phoenix is a city of innovation and entrepreneurship.”
“Businesses Thrive in Phoenix! Phoenix has a welcoming and dynamic environment. Phoenix is a place of opportunity for businesses at any stage -- individuals dreaming of starting a business; entrepreneurs ready to launch; or businesses, already in our backyard, interested in expanding their operation. Phoenix is here to help launch or expand your business. TeamPHX - a group of real, live humans in economic development - are dedicated to your success. We provide Concierge Services, such as helping you navigate the city, expand your operations, or find community connections.
Doing Business in Phoenix is a No-brainer! Phoenix has a plethora of no-cost resources and programs. StartUpPHX provides classes on starting a business. PHXbizConnect, an-online business network, has easy access to grant resources, on-demand training, networking opportunities, and technical assistance.
The Mayor’s Legacy Small Business Program celebrates our iconic and historic small businesses. Need more information? Contact TeamPHX at TeamPHX@phoenix.gov or 602-262-5040.”
What does ecosystem building mean to you?
“Finding Champions! Ecosystem building is about being on the lookout – always - for business champions. These champions are lurking everywhere – at a meeting, through a phone call, or at an event – but are not often easy to spot. Champions are the people with energy, time, and ideas that can add a spark (and leadership) to any ecosystem.
Going the Extra Mile! Ecosystem building is about going the extra mile – with every person, every question, every program, and every business. It’s about digging deeper and deeper with every issue; just to get to the bottom of things and find a solution. Never get off the road until you’ve really gone the extra mile.”
Telling a Story (with Pictures)! You’ve probably heard the saying, “A picture’s worth 1,000 words”, right? Well, it’s true! A great way to build an ecosystem is with one story (and picture) at a time. Take pictures of entrepreneurs in their space – they will love it. Get a quote or a testimonial from a business leader. Consider showcasing business success stories in any way possible – shout it from the mountain top, share it with the world – just get their approval, first.”
What made you decide to support the summit?
“We want to be part of this opportunity to showcase Phoenix - the 5th largest city in the country and fastest growing city of the last decade. We want to highlight how Phoenix invests in our people - entrepreneurs and small businesses. We know it's the people - the dreamers, risk-takers, and hardworking individuals - who build the businesses that ultimately drive our Phoenix economy.
We want to support our long-time partner, CO+HOOTS/HUUB, in this effort to bring leaders from throughout the country to convene in our ecosystem. We want to see Phoenix through fresh eyes – through the eyes of the ecosystem builders who will be visiting Phoenix for the Startup Champions Summit.”
Ecosystem Builder Month in Phoenix
The City of Phoenix didn’t just support the Summit as a sponsor, they also worked with the summit team to officially declare the Month of the October Ecosystem Builder Month! We are so honored to have this first proclamation, an acknowledgment of the importance of ecosystem building and the work that ecosystem builders do to support entrepreneurship and drive our local economies forward.